I think "Ana Ng" by They Might Be Giants deserves an award. I nominate it as having the strangest lyrics that still make sense of all songs I have recently listened to.
The opening is great:
Make a hole with a gun
perpendicular to the name
of this town on a desktop globe
Exit wound in a foreign nation
showing the home of the one
this was written for
Cool, eh?
Long time reader, first time commenter here. While Ana Ng may deserve an award among the songs you’ve recently heard, I think it barely scratches the surface of weird TMBG songs that, if you listen to them enough, eventually make sense. I’ll just go ahead and admit to my love of nerd rock and to the fact that I’ve seen the Giants at least six times in concert over the past 10 years before I nominate “She’s An Angel” and “Purple Toupee” as the weirdest songs from the first two TMBG albums. Strangely, both of these songs are crowd favorites at shows and “Purple Toupee” is a favorite cover among punk bands here in Austin, or so I’m told. Of course, these songs pale to “We Want a Rock” from Flood.
I'll see your songs and raise you large chunks of the rest of their catalogue. I guess I'm just struck by how moving Ana Ng is. That's a rare trait in nerdrock.
By the way, are you the Matt I know?
Word, I am that Matt. I figured mentioning Austin would give it away. I owe you an email, I have not forgotten. Oh, and nerd rock is all about moving people, it's just that the songs that are moving to nerds usually touch on intellectual or pop culture references or become a calling card that only a small group ever hears and therefore gets. For faux nerds like me its TMBG and CornMo, for uber nerds it's probably Weezer, Harvey Danger, and Radiohead b-sides.
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