Since my last post, quite a number of things have changed in my life. With one exception, the changes have been very nice.
The exception is a big one: the Police concert was rescheduled to June of 2008 due to Sting's useless excuse for a throat. What's the point of all that yoga shit if you can't turn up for a reunion tour? Gee whiz.
That is old news, though.
I'm writing now to go on record against Hillary Clinton.
People who have read my other nonfamily blogs will already know that I'm no fan, but I wanted to lay it out clearly before Stupor Tuesday makes my objections meaningless (either because she'll be all out or all in after tomorrow).
I was also prompted to post this anti-Hillary statement because I've read some of the hubub from pro-Hillary types (discussed and/or exemplified at Firedoglake and Pandagon, among other places).
I can narrow my anti-Hillary sentiment to three broad areas.
1. I think her husband was an awful president, and to the extent that she would govern like he did (and she reminds anyone who will listen of how glorious the good ole days were), then I dislike her. I will be so bold as to say that the differences between his 8 years and Dubyah's 7 have been largely stylistic. Dubyah's economy is largely Clinton's (give or take some tax cuts), as is the War on Terra (Clinton would have used even fewer troops, but perhaps more bombs), general foreign policy (Clinton was more of a persuader, but had the same goals and friends), and trade policy. Sure, Clinton signed Kyoto. Did he try to push it through the Senate? I could go on and on.
2. The Clintons are probably the most effective players in modern American political theater. I can't otherwise imagine how they have been able to survive the often bizarre attacks they've endured. Similarly, they have an almost uncanny ability to inspire passionate support (shocking from non-rich people: I understand the rich peoples' love). What have they ever actually accomplished, though? If neither of them had ever acted, what Good and Big thing would no longer be but now is? The Family Medical Leave Act? Something in Arkansas somewhere? So. I hate them because so many rightwingers and so many liberals seem to think that Hillary and Bill are the Real Thing.
3. Even if I liked them (I will admit to being impressed in some ways, but that's not the same thing), I would be uncomfortable with the dynastic implications of Hillary winning. It has been said elsewhere, but it can't be said enough: 8 years of Hillary, 8 years of Dubyah, 8 years of Bill, 12 years of Dubyahdaddy (yeah, I said 12.). That's not really cool, somehow. And recall that Dubyahdaddy was involved in the Ford and Nixon administrations, too.
Notice that I've not addressed any of the things Hillary says she wants to do if elected. You'll be correct in supposing that I don't expect anything markedly different from what we've had since 1980.
That leaves Obama for the Democrats. Perhaps I'll write something about him another time, but for now I'll say that he strikes me, so far, as the least objectionable major party contender since at least Bill Bradley (I don't include my beloved Kuch in this category). Furthermore, his personal style and background alone would probably shake things up nicely, even if he turns out to be another DLC type. We shall see.
As for my thoughts on McCain, I wrote almost precisely four years ago that I don't go for the hero schtick, and if you look closely I think you'll find that he's pretty consistently not on your side (I'm assuming you are not a rightwinger) when it comes down to voting.
That is all.
Except for this: